Some people may think that putting sheet on bed is a very simple everyday task. Actually, that’s not true for all of us. I think a lot of people are frustrated and annoyed as I have been countless times about putting bedsheets. Fortunately, we’re not the only ones to have experienced issues with it, below are our 7tips for your reference:

Step 1: Ensure the bed sheet size is correct.
Step 2: When you put fitted sheet, let’s start with one corner, then stretch the sheet corner over the mattress, then it could cover the mattress and pad. If the sheet couldn’t be tucked underneath the mattress, you may need to redo it when handle the next corner.
Step 3: Pull the second sheet corner over the mattress, do same steps with the two remaining corners.

Step 4: Smooth the bedsheet and make sure each corner is tucked firmly under the bed mattress.
Step 5: Put the flat sheet over the fitted sheet.
Step 6: Tuck in the bottom of your sheet and then move on to the sides, tucking them in about three-fourths of the way toward the head of the bed.
Step 7: Place the comforter on top of the flat sheet.
Hope our tips could help you put the bedsheet more easily!